Friday, November 5, 2010

Once again, I wonder

Hmm, I came to this point and started to wonder again. I get a bit unhappy and angry with it. Maybe deep inside my heart, I care about it. But something come across my mind, if you don't care, I won't give a damn thing from now on. Maybe, that thought won't last long, as I changed my mind most of the time on these things.

But I did it for the first time, I didn't want to do anything about it. I just wanna see how is it like for you? For everything I did, being honest, I don't have an obligation to do so. I do it because I care, I thought I'll get back what I deserve, but it doesn't seems to work like this. Appreciate it if you mean it. Stop being grandiose, you might be nothing to someone. Somehow, I might be wrong, I don't mind to accept that.

Okay?! What's wrong with me now? I've never thought that this way of thinking will appear now, but I guess that after watching Charlie St. Cloud, this should be implement here. Live, Love and Let go.

Worth it or not? Let the time decide, I'll just wait until I figure out what is it all about. Did I changed? Or I'm beaten by your realistic thought? I'm not realistic at all, I still want to believe in fairy tale. I work hard for what I want, and I think in the way of needing to accept the reality due to life, not because of being realistic.