Sunday, May 15, 2011

I'm giving myself a DAY-off=)

Hooray=D I'm actually giving myself a day off today, was able to have a day off on Wednesday but ended up receiving call from work when I'm still sleeping soundly in my warm bed, and I have to go to work. Same as to Friday, ended up having a 4 hours orientation shift which is unpaid. But I make up my mind to change my working availability to not available instead, I supposed I deserve a day-off! I reckon I'm definitely not a superwoman! But this is unbelievable, how did I manage to get this through? I came back to Adelaide on 20 April from Wudinna, had 2 days off and started my working marathon on 23 April. This working marathon ended yesterday, which is 14 May. I did 120 hrs+ in 22 days, which is 25 shifts all together.

I know it's insane. But it wasn't bad, there is not much chances out there for you to work this much of shifts. Can't deny that I'm absolutely tired. To be particular, I'm physically and emotionally drained. I fall asleep wherever I go. But guess what? I'm coping well and getting along well with this kind of routine. The hardest time was actually getting myself out of the bed early in the morning when it is so cold! No worries, I'm all good! Just probably working too hard, I know everyone is kind of worried about me, but I'm definitely fine, I could only say that I'm tired. Otherwise, I'm all good! I looks like a little girl, but I could work harder that you could ever thought of.

Now that I'm glad that I get a chance to actually deal with giving medication, I get the same pay as a carer, but this definitely helps for me to gain some experience when I'm really working as an Enrolled Nurse. Finding it a bit hard at the beginning as every place have the different system. But I'm feeling grateful that I knew all of the resident. I need more experience and learning to work on my own.

All I need now is being hardworking and lots of luck. Sorry that I'm keeping things to myself, but I have my own reason. I will mention it when it's over, but revealing it in the wrong timing is gonna be putting so much pressure on me. To be honest, I'm finding it pretty tough to take on all of the expectation. I gotta get it off. I love writing down how I feel, but frankly speaking, I don't really like people to get involved with what's in my mind or restricting my freedom. I'm crossed, but I can't do anything, I guess I need to accept that.

I supposed I'm still a lucky girl. At least I'm really having a great time at work, you guys did a wonderful job feeding me aye! Everyone is feeding me well. I think you guys reckon I need to put on some weight. And how funny is that, I was told off by a resident as I don't want to accept her bunch of grapes and an Easter egg. You guys feed me well and often pick and send me off work. I'm feeling just like a family with all of them!